The Group C2h (a) |
Silviu Radu did most of the analysis of the 589824 different cubes of this subgroup. Here the the table with the distances, the average distance is 17.61:
Up to M-symmetry there are 143552 cubes which exactly have this symmetry. All cubes can be solved within 20 moves and there are 350 cubes up to M-symmetry, which need 20 moves. All except 57 of these cubes are antisymmetric (that is the inverse is M-symmetric to the cube itself). The next table gives the number of cubes up to M-symmetry which exactly have C2h (a)-symmetry, the average maneuver length is 17.65 now:
If you are interested in a list of all optimal maneuvers for this subgroup, they are included in the file The 293 20f*-maneuvers up to M-symmetry and M-antisymmetry are also included in the file A few other nice examples are listed below. |
Cube display with AnimCubeJS |
© 2017 Herbert Kociemba |