Decoration of Penrose Tiles

There are three types of basic Penrose tilings called P1, P2 and P3. We do not explain common facts (for example the matching rules) of these tilings here and refer to the Wikipedia article instead.

The three tilings are mutually locally derivable. By inserting and deleting some edges in one tiling the other tilings are obtained.

P2 tiling with darts and kites


P3 tiling with thin and thick rhombs derived from the P2 tiling with decorated darts and kites

The newly inserted edges are decorations on the dart and the kite. The deleted edges are visible in the tiling as weak white lines.


P1 tiling with pentagons, stars, boats and diamonds derived from the P2 tiling

An additional decoration adds inscribed pentagons to the pentagons of the P1 tiling.

Substituting the red P1 edge decorations by a simpler one now gives the basis for our "islamic art" tiling.

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